gorillas RWANDA

Rwanda 'the Land of a Thousand Hills'

Rwanda offers a new aspect to Africa and a different holiday experience to that of other East African countries. With its stunning landscape including dramatic volcanoes, thick rainforest and vast lakes, Rwanda ensures that travellers have a truly unforgettable time.

As a small Central African nation situated to the west of Tanzania, Rwanda is a western arm of the Great Rift Valley and on the watershed between the Nile and the Congo - Africa's two largest rivers. Its physical beauty is unique on the African Continent with vibrant green grasslands, dazzling riverine forests and breathtaking mountain views.

Rwanda is a must-see for anyone looking for an exhilarating safari adventure. A highlight to any Rwanda holiday is a gorilla safari through the rainforest to track and observe the endangered Mountain Gorillas that inhabit the Parc National des Volcans. Mountain Gorillas are on the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species and are classified as ‘critically endangered’ with just 880 individuals currently recorded.

There are no Mountain Gorillas living outside of their native mountain forest home or in captivity.

- The last mountain gorillas
- The chimpanzees and other primates of Nyungwe forest
- The game and birds of Akagera N.P.
- Lake Kivu and its islands
- The unique landscapes of the Land of a 1000 hills


The Mountain Gorilla

Volcanoes National Park: The Mountain Gorillas

Volcanoes National Park is home to many family groups of this incredible species and expert guides lead tours to see them at close range in their natural habitat.

Akagera National Park

Akagera National Park

Akagera National Park is located in the east of Rwanda bordering Tanzania. It covers over 1085 square kilometres of savannah and is home to a wide variety of animals and birdlife.

Nyungwe forest

Nyungwe National Park

Nyungwe National Park is one of Africa’s last remaining high altitude rainforests, and one of the largest of these ancient areas. This beautiful mountainous terrain harbours many primates including chimpanzees and is Rwanda’s most important site for bird watching.

lake Kivu

Lake Kivu

Lake Kivu is one of Africa’s Great Lakes and is the deepest fresh water lake in the world. Surrounded by the Rift Valley and Virunga mountains it has picturesque sandy shores and provides a beautiful setting at which to relax after a gorilla trek.

kimironko market RWANDA

Cities & Places to Visit in Rwanda

Institute of National Museums of Rwanda has 6 sites :

Ethnographic Museum located at Huye
Art Museum located at Nyanza-Rwesero
Ancient History Museum located at Nyanza-Rukari
Presidential Palace Museum located at Kigali-Kanombe
Natural History Museum (Kandt House) located at Kigali-Nyarugenge
Environmental Museum located at Karongi


Rwanda gallery pictures
Rwanda gallery pictures
Rwanda gallery pictures
Rwanda gallery pictures
Rwanda gallery pictures
Rwanda gallery pictures
Rwanda gallery pictures
Rwanda gallery pictures
Rwanda gallery pictures
Rwanda gallery pictures
Rwanda gallery pictures
Rwanda gallery pictures
Rwanda gallery pictures
Rwanda gallery pictures